供应ADAS VME--- ICV150/D系列 数据采集卡 32 analog inputs 12/14/16 bits, New acquisition design 32 diff. resident inputs Ext. to 128 inputs by coupler boards Dual access RAM with auto. Refresh Choice of 12/14/16 -bit converters Software progr. Gains High acq. rate up to 200,000 acq./s Possible galvanic isolat. from the system Analog power supply on board External triggers possible Gains in NOVRAMS with readback ICV150/D-12/4/106-I??? CARTE VME 32 E. DIFFERENTIELLES ISO. 12 bits G1 à 8 100K.acq./s ±0.05% PE? ? ICV150/D-12/4/206-I???? CARTE VME 32 E. DIFFERENTIELLES ISO. 12 bits G1 à 8 50K.acq./s ±0.03% PE? ? ICV150/D-14/4/256-I???? CARTE VME 32 E.DIFFERENTIELLES ISO 14 bits G1 à 8 40K.acq./s ±0.016% PE? ? ICV150/D-16/4/336-I??? CARTE VME 32 E. DIFFERENTIELLES ISO. 16 bits G1 à 8 30K.acq./s ±0.008% PE?